Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New Shampoo

The other day I bought new shampoo, and the thing I love most about buying new shampoo is the new smell.
It's a cycle, I buy new shampoo and LOVE the smell. I go on for days about how good my hair smells and can't stop messing with it and even wear it down so that it's easier to smell. I feel great, my new shampoo gives me confidence. I feel prettier because my hair smells better. I walk taller, and flip my hair all the time. I'm sure I'm sexy, because my hair smells sexy.
However, I overdo it. I constantly smell my hair. Every chance I get I bring a handful up to my nose and sniff.
And eventually I get tired of it.
But I keep using it because there is still half a bottle left and I am too poor to buy new shampoo every time I get tired of the way my current shampoo smells.
I become slightly depressed. I no longer feel sexy. My hair is no longer exciting and I don't want to hold it up to my face every chance I get. I don't look forward to showering anymore. My mornings become rushed because I put off taking a shower until the absolute last minute. Because I waited so long to take a shower I have little time to get ready. My eye shadow is rushed and I throw my hair into a bun or wet pony tail just so I'm not late to work. Days drag on and I find myself trapped in some kind of monotonous haze. Until finally, one day as I'm showering I squeeze the shampoo bottle and hear the noise that can only mean an end to the boring fog that is my hair. And the cycle begins again.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Not Okay

I'm playing The Genius Game, a game where you're supposed to beat ten levels to earn the title of "genius". Well, I beat ten levels, and what did I get? Another level. Those bastards. So this is my proof, this picture is what I have to show to the world so that they will know, once and for all, that I am a genius. But don't worry, I won't forget the little people that helped me get where I am today.

If you feel like playing the genius game, here's the link. Good luck.http://apps.facebook.com/gamegeniuss/index2.php

Also, in case you were wondering, after level eleven there is nothing. Just. Nothing. After fighting, tooth and nail, level by level, to what you think might be the very justification you've been seeking you beat ten levels only to be given yet another level, proving that no matter what you do it will never be good enough. And after level eleven, when you, a seasoned genius game vet, are ready for the challenge of another level you are taken back to level one. It is a true slap in the face.

By The Way

For the record, not every post will be some silly drawing. I plan on having plenty of those along with posts containing more than twenty words. I just haven't thought of anything yet.

This One Is NOT On Facebook, It's Just For YOU!

Created: I forgot when. Probably December 2010.

Have You Heard?

Okay, so the other day I discovered the best thing ever: coffee WITH hot chocolate in it!!
It's amazing, just add hot chocolate, a shit load of creamer, and a bit of sugar to your coffee. You can thank me later. Created: January 12, 2010

'Nuff Said

Created: December 18, 2010

Sweet Freedom

I love being without pants almost as much as I love chicken strips.
If I had to choose between never having to wear pants and an endless supply of chicken strips I'd be in trouble. Created: December 8, 2010
Edit: The first panel says "I love being home alone because it means I don't have to wear PANTS!"


My love for chicken strips is strong and unending. (Not that I have anything against Africa, I just REALLY love me some chicken strips.)
Created: December 2, 2010


Created: December 2, 2010

In Case You Didn't Know

Created: December 1, 2010

It's A Haiku

Created: December 1, 2010

I Just Keep Telling Myself...

Created: December 1, 2010

Event Horizon

Created: November 28, 2010


Creaed: November 28, 2010

This Happens On A Pretty Regular Basis

Created: November 28, 2010

True Story

Created: November 28, 2010

Tom's Dog, Basil. (The First of Many)

Created: November 27, 2010

A Girl of Many Hats. And A Cape.

Created: November 27,2010

The Little Things

Created: November 27, 2010

Back Off My Man

Created: November 26, 2010
Often when I have down time (usually at work) I get on paint and play around. It started one day when I was at work on a VERY slow day and since has encouraged me to make this little ol' blog that you see here.
And here is the dodle that started it all:

I'll Go Ahead And Apologize Now

In case you're wondering what you're in for when you read this blog I'll go ahead and tell you a bit about myself.
My name is Whitney, I work at a funeral home and go to college at the University of Houston. My major is Art with Professional Development Sequence in Education, so I want to be an art teacher when I grow up. I live with my sister, Ashley. I have a dog, Apollo, a cat, Spotticus (or just Spot), and a hermit crab, Leonardo. I used to draw caricatures at Sea Wolrd San Antonio and at Six Flags Fiesta Texas. I love art, reading, and things that make me laugh. I am fully prepared for the zombie apocalypse. I am not easily offended and therefore assume that no one else is, either. I can be blunt, vulgar, and sometimes just plain gross, but I do it with the best intentions. Also, I go to church and think tattoos are cool.
Be prepared for some art, not always good, sometimes funny, and usually done out of boredom.

The First

This is my first blog post since I was in high school. So, hopefully it will be a good one.

That sentance, right there, is all I have been able to come up with for the past month. You see, I have been wanting to create a blog for quite some time now. In fact, I have tried several times to write my first post but I wanted to make my first post something great, so I would psych myself out and not be able to get past the first sentance.
So instead I'll go ahead and post this. We'll say I'm setting the bar low, that way, in the future when I post something only mediocre it will look great, and when I post something amazing it will blow your mind.